Moving overseas to sell assets
I am considering selling some of my stocks and cryptocurrency. I am considering moving overseas to a place with lower capital gains tax to sell these assets. I am wondering if I would still need to pay tax to Skatteverket even if I sell the stocks/crypto while overseas? How long would I need to stay overseas to ensure that I am not taxed by Skatteverket? Initially we were planning to move overseas for 2 years and then returning to Sweden.
My current situation is that I have an apartment. I plan to transfer my share of the apartment to my wife. My wife would come with me overseas as well.
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Flytta till ett land dör 10 prsregeln är satt till noll, och flytta inte tillbaka inom 5 år pga den omvända bevisbördan. Notera att nästan alla rapporterar efter 2018 från 2016 och framåt, men till hemvistland. 2 år råcker inte och fru bör du ta med dig i åtminstone 5 år dit du flyttar. Permanentbostad där du varit skriven kan du INTE behålla. Du har tom december 2019 på dig varefter exitskatt kanske kommer börja gälla beroende på remissvar och val inom året.
And when dealing with SKV, always assume the worst !!! Sell your apartment, move to a country where ten your rule is 0, take your wife with you and stay away for minimum 5 years. Also sell all your SE financial assets after ca 2 years max and let them move with you !
To avoid paying Swedish tax on the capital gains it is necessary to move to a country with whom Sweden have a tax agreement and where the tax agreement doesn’t allow Sweden to tax the gain if you a residency in the other country. Sweden have this kind of agreements with for example Italy and Spain.
I would recommend you become a client for Skattepunkten so we can help you with this.
Kind regards
Daniel Andersson är skattejurist hos Skattepunkten AB.
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Thankyou for your answers. I can read the Swedish too. The other option is for me to move back to my home country of Australia for an indefinite period (i.e atleast 5 years). If I move to Australia and sell my assets within the first 2 years of living there, will I need to pay Skatteverket too?
Alternatively, give her the apartment and get a divorce. Then move, and let your assets move with you. But move to a country where DTT withdraws SE tax rights and where capital gain taxes are 0, such as in eg HR. If large sums, definately take in professional advice from eg Daniel. Good luck and change governemt in SE soon please.
Hej igen!
Om du säljer inom två år så får Sverige beskatta kapitalvinsterna om de avser aktier i företag som finns i Sverige. Avtalet har ingen bortre tidsgräns. Sverige får då enligt svenska regler beskatta dig åtminstone tio år efter att du flyttat från Sverige.
Daniel Andersson är skattejurist hos Skattepunkten AB.
Detta är ett kort svar. Vill du ha mer hjälp kan du få en offert.
Welcome to Croatia. In the DTT the 10 year rule is set to zero and if you aquired your shares before 2016 there is no tax when you sell. If after, you must sit on them for 2 years after which tax drops from 12 percent to 0 percent. If you are an EU citizen, you will hve no problem getting a residency card, etc.